Other public buildings

Hospital Vendsyssel

Bright, welcoming expression with robust ceilings

For the hospital management at Vendsyssel Hospital, the most important criteria for acoustic materials have been robustness and air quality. Robustness – because the ceiling tiles are often cleaned and taken down for servicing of installation. Air quality – because it was important that the material had as short degasification as possible.
Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik boards, design block peroration B5, are installed in the large open spaces in the hospital to create a uniform, continuous expression. Whereas Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik Tiles, design square perforation12/25 Q – which are more robust in their design – are used in ward rooms and other places that require more frequent demounting.

“The building and its interior had to emanate a discreet, light-coloured, welcoming expression. We wanted the ceilings to contribute to this overall atmosphere. In addition to their characteristic appearance, Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik ceilings are also practical. They make access to the installations behind them much easier.”
– Kirsten Myrhøj,Architect, Arkitektfirmaet NORD A/S