Other public buildings
Pleasant indoor climate and clean air
“We wanted the ceilings at Hamlet Private Hospital to be easy to clean and as light in colour as possible. Furthermore, they had to be sound absorbing in accordance with the building code.”
Acoustic environment, air quality and aesthetics are equally important for the comfort of staff and patients in a hospital. It is important to choose materials that are simple in their design, are made of a healthy, safe material and have excellent sound absorption. Gypsum ceilings are therefore ideal for hospitals.
At Hamlet Hospital, architects have used 600х600 Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik Tiles, design square perforation 8/18 Q in small rooms and wards, because of their robustness and ease of demounting. In the corridors are used Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik, design block slotline B6.
“The interior had to give the least possible impression of a hospital. The layout, lighting and color scheme on the walls had to create a peaceful expression. Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik helped create this atmosphere thanks to their simple, discreet design.”
– Kasper Færk Jacobsen,Technical Manager, Hamlet Hospital