Schools, kindergardens, sport centers

Elementary school reduces CO2 levels with ventilation ceilings

Documented improvement of indoor air quality and acoustics

Fresh air is essential for children’s well-being and ability to learn. At the city school of Elsinore, Denmark, pre-renovation measurements showed CO2 levels reaching up to 3000ppm during large parts of the day. That is three times the recommended levels. In addition, the acoustic environment was far from the required levels of 0.6 seconds in reverberation time. So the listed school building from 1880 was in need of an extensive renovation.
But how do you modernize ventilation systems in buildings from 1880 without losing floor height? The solution was found by combining acoustical ceilings and ventilation systems into one solution – using so-called ventilation ceilings with diffuse ventilation. This solution saves space and building and maintenance costs.

“Our objective was to minimize building height while retaining as much of the original volume as possible. That is why we worked with ventilation ceilings Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik.“
– Hanne Pedersen, Architect, Project Manager & Construction Economist, Kjær & Richter

CO2 levels cut by two thirds

The classrooms at the school are renovated using Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik Tiles, design 8/18 Q. The improvement of indoor air quality is documented with a post-renovation report, made by an independent institute for the municipality of Elsinore. The report shows that the CO2 levels have dropped from the previous 3000ppm down to the recommended 1000ppm.

Sound treatment according to recommendations

Along with better indoor air quality for the school children and their teachers, the ventilation ceilings also ensure a better acoustic environment. The report documents that the reverberation time in the classrooms is reduced to 0.4-0.5 seconds, which is just at the levels recommended by the building regulations.

Architectural benefits
In addition to the significant indoor climate improvement, our acoustic ventilation ceilings also offer important construction advantages. By leading fresh air directly into the cavity, the architects at Kjær & Richter could:
• save ventilation inlets
• avoid pipe crossing and save construction height
• reduce the diameter of exaust pipe in some places down to 350 mm

The functional benefits are also reinforced by considerations for aesthetics and sustainability: “We decided to go with gypsum ceilings for aesthetical reasons – as it is more in line with buildings from the 1880s than other ceilings available. And because it is our experience that gypsum simply lasts longer in schools”
– Hanne Pedersen, Architect, Project Manager & Construction Economist, Kjær & Richter

Proven to improve indoor air quality and acoustics