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Clean air is now a realized need. Indoor air quality in public buildings and private homes is often not at the desired level. This is due to the airtight envelope of the buildings' insulation materials, the chemicals used in household and industrial applications, and insufficient ventilation and fresh air being able to reach the rooms. Some of the main indoor air pollutants that we are often unaware of are certain interior paints, floor coverings and their adhesives, glues and varnishes used in the furniture industry, cleaning products, cigarette smoke and many other chemical compounds that are part of the environment that harm people slowly and over time.

One of the solutions for comfort in the indoor environment of buildings is Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik, a technology that improves the living environment. Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik panels are perforated panels that contain zeolites - natural minerals.

volcanic origin and with special catalytic properties. They break down harmful substances and neutralize odors such as formaldehydes, acetaldehydes, ammonia, aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorine compounds and many other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted in indoor air, creating a much more favorable indoor microclimate. A 24-hour catalytic process is carried out without the accumulation of harmful substances or the consumption of zeolite minerals, daylight and UV rays do not affect the process and so the duration of action of Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik is virtually unlimited.

In order to effectively use the possibilities of the boards for air purification, it is recommended to observe a minimum ratio of the amount of board to the volume of the room, which is a minimum. 0.2 m² per cubic meter /m³/ of the volume of the room.

Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik plasterboards have an ecological product certificate from the Institut Bauen und Umwelt e. V. (IBU).