The noise – successfully defeated

Шумът от прахосмукачката, климатика, тостера и външните дразнители, отразен многократно от кънтящите стени и тавани, има неблагоприятно действие върху нас.
Clean air – the mission accomplished

Zeolite – the healing gift of nature

The interior designer in everyone

CLEANEO® – pure by nature

Next-Generation Kindergartens and Schools

Kindergartens and schools of a new generation

This is not the lobby of a newly constructed shopping mall, nor the halls of a future modern restaurant. We present to you the renovated 2nd Secondary School “Academician Emilian Stanev” and the 10th Secondary School “Teodor Trayanov.” Thanks to Knauf Cleaneo® Akustik panels, students now learn in an attractive interior and a healthy environment with excellent acoustics, reduced harmful noise, and much cleaner air.